Hack litespeed web server
Hack litespeed web server

hack litespeed web server

SQL injection is one of the most common hacks. SQL Injection Protection (SQLi) Protection Web application firewalls contain a blacklist of these malicious files and trigger an alert to stop files from being maliciously added to an HTML page. Dynamic scripting is rerouted to a malicious JavaScript file that steals user data. RFIs take advantage of sites that use dynamic inclusion of external files such as JavaScript.


Developers can code pages that strip these malicious values from the code, but web application firewalls also help protect from XSS. XSS uses cross site scripting such as JavaScript added to querystring values that prints to the web page. XSS works with similar concepts as CSRFs. These attacks make use of a user’s session variable that sets after the user logs in to pages such as a banking site, which is why the hack is also called “session riding.” Our web application firewall adds a validation filter to protect users from stolen sessions.

hack litespeed web server

Our WAF protects your servers from data theft such as credit cards or other sensitive customer data, which is the lifeblood of your customers and your company’s reputation Cross Site Request Forgeries (CSRFs) ProtectionĬSRF vulnerabilities have been around for over a decade. Here’s what a WAF will do for you: Data Leakage Protection We have several options that depend on use cases, that we can then configure your server to protect from these attacks, as well as a number of other threats you need to be protected against. They are looking for a weak spot, a place that they can wiggle their way in to do what they intended to. Our Web Application Firewall (or WAF for short), protects against a number of threats, such as cross-site request forgeries, cross-site scripting, SQL injection, protocol violations, and brute force login attempts. A hacker can use several types of attacks that give him access to your data. Hacking a server is more than just finding an administrator user name and password. They can weather the storm, but could you? The time and effort involved in cleaning something like this up, even for those with the deep pockets that can do so, is an undertaking. They’ll spend countless hours doing damage control. More and more you hear of stories of large and sophisticated businesses that have had information hacked, creating headaches, hassles, and the obvious reputational damage with their names plastered around about the breach. In our ever more digital and connected world, conducting business and In our ever more digital and connected world, conducting business and holding data about your clients is under increasing threat from attack and exploitation by those less scrupulous than yourself.

Hack litespeed web server